
Young Entrepreneur Geovanna Motta Revolutionizes Footwear Industry with Handcrafted Sandals.

Who are we?

Geovanna Motta Owner of Look Good Feels Good

São Paulo, Brazil – At just 12 years old, Geovanna Motta has defied expectations by founding her own company specializing in handcrafted sandals. Her innovative approach to footwear design and dedication to craftsmanship have captured the attention of fashion enthusiasts worldwide.

Born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, Geovanna discovered her passion for design and entrepreneurship at a young age. Drawing inspiration from her surroundings and cultural heritage, she began experimenting different materials and techniques to create unique sandals that blend style with comfort.

Geovanna's company, aptly named LookGood&FeelsGood Inc., emphasizes sustainability and ethical practices. Each pair of sandals is meticulously handcrafted using locally-sourced materials, supporting the community, and reducing the carbon footprint. Geovanna is committed to promoting eco-consciousness within the fashion industry, proving that style and sustainability can go hand in hand.

Despite her age, now 22, Geovanna's entrepreneurial spirit and determination have propelled her company to success. Through social media platforms and local markets, she has garnered a loyal following of customers who appreciate the craftsmanship and authenticity of LookGood&FeelsGood Inc., products.

"I believe that everyone deserves to wear footwear that not only looks good but also feels good," says Geovanna. "With Look Good & Feels Good, I aim to create sandals that celebrate individuality and inspire confidence in every step."

Geovanna's entrepreneurial journey serves as a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. As she continues to expand her business and make her mark on the fashion industry, she remains committed to her vision of creating sustainable, handcrafted footwear for people around the world.

Why we make handcrafted sandals? 

Handcrafted luxury sandals offer several benefits to your clients:

 Unmatched Quality: Each pair is meticulously crafted using the finest materials, ensuring durability and comfort.

Customization: Clients can often personalize details like color, embellishments, or sizing, providing a unique and tailored experience.

Comfort and Support: Designed with ergonomic principles in mind, these sandals provide exceptional support for all-day wear, reducing strain on the feet.

 Style and Elegance: With exquisite design elements and attention to detail, these sandals elevate any outfit, allowing clients to make a sophisticated fashion statement.

 Exclusivity: Handcrafted luxury sandals are often produced in limited quantities, offering clients a sense of exclusivity and prestige.

Sustainable Practices: Many luxury brands prioritize ethical and sustainable production methods, appealing to clients who value eco-conscious fashion choices.

Overall, our luxury handcrafted sandals are more than meets the eyes, it offers clients a combination of superior quality, personalized style, and ethical manufacturing practices, ensuring a luxurious and satisfying experience with each wear.